Wednesday, March 19, 2008

DreamMakers 2007 English Version

DreamMakers Summer School is now in its fifth year. The first summer session was in 2003 and consisted of a small group of high school girls from Osaka. The 2007 summer session was a great success and we are looking forward to the 2008 summer session!

What is DreamMakers?

DreamMakers is real education. Typically we think of education as taking place in the classroom. DreamMakers takes education into nature so that learning is feelable and touchable. Hawaii is the perfect place for education of this kind. The whole name of our school is DreamMakers Malama. Malama means to respect and love the environment. This is part of our curriculum. We teach humanistic education which means education which teaches the value of life...all life. This theme is vitally important for the world and in order to make the concept real we the teachers live 24/7 with the students. We intensely study with the students without a break. This develops a heart to heart empathy between teacher and student.

We work with the students in overcoming fears and anxieties and help them develop a big dream. This dream developed under the guidelines of value for life leads the students to think in larger than life terms and to choose a life of alturistic life.

Our goal is develop leaders throughout society who value life foremost. Leaders who would never think of life in terms of colleteral damage for the greater good. We firmly believe this is the key to peace in the world. We teach the students to think globally. In today's society a popular pharse is "me and mine". Our hope is to expand this me and mine to include the entire planet in the protection of rights and life.

The students after completing the summer school session return to their student lives feeling a profound change both mentally and physically. The students usually return to experience the school again and some have returned for four years. The proof of the school's value in their lives is beginning to show in such ways as dedication to study for completing future goals. Grades in normal school have improved for a majority of students and parents are overjoyed and impressed with the change in their children so much so that they are happy to send them to the summer session every year.

Our long range goal is to purchase land to make the school permanent in Hawaii and include the local students as well as students from all over the world. We welcome any ideas or support that anyone can give in this endeavor.

Please look over the blog page and we welcome your positive comments.

Scott and Kinuyo Lee founders of DreamMakers Malama

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